Friday, July 3, 2009

Maxine's BD: Attending a Conference on Education

...Where Maxine gets an education in the field of Education.


  1. Hilarious, as always. Yes, there is way too much hogwash in the education community, and it all comes from the top. The teachers in the trenches are the ones who suffer from the pie-in-the-sky administrators.

  2. I love your gift, and your sharing.
    My first time visiting Maxine and her adventures will NOT be my last.

  3. Thanks for the kind comments!

  4. I agree totally about the education field. Way too full of jargon and not nearly enough doing things. Geat job!

  5. Maxine where have you been?
    thanks for your comment on my blog.

  6. First visit...LOL. Didn't they cover SOLs (Standards of Learning), must be posted on the black (sorry...white) board for each lesson? Oh, and no little self-esteems can be neglected, and let's reorganize the school system every 2 years, change out the math program, get new "decoding" reading methods, and move more folks into administration. While we're at it, bring in some more consultants.
